User Guide for v0.9 Help


After installing, YeOldeDink may be launched from the command line, or from a front-end such as Martridge or DFarc3. It may also be launched by double-clicking directly on the exe or AppImage in which case a box will pop up and allow you to choose several launch options such as full-screen or 24-bit mode. For AppImages, you may require xdialog or zenity installed to see the launch options.

If you choose not to install, a box will pop up and ask you to specify the main data location.

The command line options are mostly the same as Freedink with a few exceptions:

  • -w Launches in windowed mode rather than full-screen

  • -d Start with debug mode on.

  • -t Run in 24-bit 'truecolour' rather than a palette of 256. This should always be specified unless running something that requires palettes such as "Dink Goes Boating".

  • -S Use the OpenGL renderer instead of the inbuilt SDL one. Note that this is a capital S.

  • -nojoy Switch off joystick/controller input

  • -nosound or -s Switches off audio output

  • -g or -game specifies the path to a d-mod to launch with

  • -r or --refdir specifies the path to Dink's main data location

  • -c choose an alternate 'yedink.ini' config file path

  • -7 v1.07 compatibility mode

  • -h show help

For example, to start "Charlie's Legacy" in windowed 24-bit mode, one would type: yeoldedink.exe -w -t -g F:\cleg

If you want to specify a custom refdir path, it must be the folder that contains "dink", rather than the path to "dink" itself. For example, on Windows >=7, assuming a standard install of freeware Dink 1.06, your refdir path would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Dink Smallwood\ without specifying "dink" at the end.

Be aware that when using AppImages on GNU/Linux you must specify the full path for refdir and game, rather than relative paths due to sandboxing constraints.

Last modified: 26 May 2024