User Guide for v0.9 Help


This guide assumes you're installing a compiled release. For DIY compiling from source, please see the separate build instructions contained within source releases. Generally, the newest release for Windows or GNU/Linux is available on the Dink Network forums.


At minimum, you will require Windows 7 (or Vista) x64 along with a DirectX 9-compliant graphics adapter.

Using Martridge

The most straightforward way to install YeOldeDink on Windows is by using the full-featured Martridge front-end which should have a somewhat recent release available for download.

Alongside mainline Dink

Otherwise, the best way to install YeOldeDink is alongside an existing install such as 1.08 or "HD". By decompressing the entire archive to the same path as an existing dink.exe, you should be able to double-click and have it run, or select it to launch with in your front-end.

Alongside Freedink

Unfortunately, YeOldeDink's DLLs will conflict with Freedink's and must be overwritten in order for it to properly launch. If you'd like to install it alongside, it may be decompressed to a subdirectory with the exe relative path manually typed into DFarc3 (e.g. yeoldedink09exe/yedink09.exe).


Releases on GNU/Linux are distributed as x64 AppImages that require a fairly recent Glibc along with an OpenGL or GL ES-capable graphics adapter.

AppImages can be run from wherever they're located after being set executable (chmod +x) and don't need to be installed. You may use an AppImage integrator such as appimaged if you'd like it added to your menus. Freedink-data comes bundled unless otherwise specified.

The ancillary data containing user preferences and yedink.ini will be automatically moved to ~/.config upon first launch.

Other systems

There are no releases on other systems at this time meaning you will have to compile from source as per the build instructions.

Last modified: 26 May 2024