User Guide for v0.9 Help

Changing settings in Yedink.ini

Setting certain options such as your default windowed resolution are done in yedink.ini. This file lives in the ancillary data alongside the fonts. The available settings are as follows.


  • display Allows you to set the default in-game text font. This may either be a font in the ancillary data path, or a system font that Fontconfig can find.

  • debugttf Sets the font used for the ImGui debug interface. This may only be a TTF file in ancillary data.

  • debug_pt_size Sets the size of the aforementioned debug mode font.


  • Sets your default window size for windowed mode.


  • channels 2 by default for stereo. set to 1 for mono, or 6 for a 5.1 surround system.

  • samplerate sets the output sample rate for played-back audio. Set this to your card's actual rate according to your operating system for best results.

  • midiplayer sets the MIDI player for MixerX builds with one of the following numbers.

    • -1 set to default

    • 0 ADLMIDI - a Sound Blaster-style FM synthesizer

    • 1 System output (not available on GNU/Linux).

    • 2 TiMIDIty - requires pats installed, otherwise crashes

    • 3 OPNMidi - Sega-style FM.

    • 4 FluidSynth (requires soundfont, see below)

    • 5 EDMIDI - unstable, do not use.

  • adlemu sets the default synthesizer for ADLMIDI with one of the following:

    • -1 Default

    • 0 Nuked 1.8 - very accurate but very CPU-intensive.

    • 1 Nuked 1.7.4 - less CPU-intensive.

    • 2 DOSBox.

    • 3 Opal.

    • 4 Java.

  • opnemu same as above except for OPNMIDI:

    • -1 Default.

    • 0 MAME.

    • 1 Nuked. Even more CPU-intensive than it is for ADLMIDI.

    • 2 Gens.

    • 3 GX.

    • 4 NP2.

    • 5 MAME OPNA.

    • 6 PMDWIN.

  • soundfont the filename of the soundfont for FluidSynth. Will be searched for in ancillary data.

Last modified: 26 May 2024