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  Installing DMODs

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Author Topic:   Installing DMODs
trebor posted 05-01- 06:10 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for trebor   Click Here to Email trebor  
Have downloaded DMODs from various sites and attempted to install them. Followed directions exactly. Frontend does not see the dmods and can't launch them using DOS commands. Must be doing stupid. Someone out there give me EXACT directions and I will send you a check for helping me. This is a poor man's entertainment and I want to pursue it.
Thank You,
Trebor (spell backwards)
FF4LIFE posted 05-02- 12:05 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Monetary reimbursement, alright!

Anywho...are you running it from dos because that is all you have? I'm going to assume that you do have some sort of windows, because thats the easiest to explain as i've not tried it from dos

So you get your downloaded dmod. You install it into your dink directory. That alone really means little. Say you're getting fiat (Which you should!) then install it to whatever/dink/fiat

Then you should make sure that in the fiat folder you just made is the graphics, story, etc. If its just another folder called fiat, then you'll have to move that out into the dink directory.

To run a dmod all you have to do is open front end and it'll bring any folder up on the list i believe...So then you just select the dmod you wish to play, and click play!

If you want it another easy way, download playit, then all you do is go to the dmods directory and open the .diz to play..

Hope that helped...if you're running it from dos i really can't help you other than make sure that its in the dink directory and didn't install its own folder, then you just have to move it into the dink directory, so its not hard ;)

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