Topic: Friends Beyond I
shetlandpony |
posted 04-05- 11:31 AM CT (US)
My pc crashes every time i want pick up a blue sparkel after i found the lightsword. (I am after the girl) I think i will need them to remove the "strange looking rocks" Is there a patch?
posted 04-05- 09:09 PM CT (US)
I do not no..go to the dink network: and look up the dmod..i think redink made it so all patches are listed right under there...
posted 04-06- 06:28 AM CT (US)
No, it's made by Wesley. I've send him an email, but he didn't answer yet. And there is no patch. Not with the dmod though. |
posted 04-06- 04:29 PM CT (US)
Hrm...that sucks...heh...can't really help you :D |
posted 04-07- 06:12 AM CT (US)
Hmmmmm, hope somebody else can... |