posted 02-19- 06:03 PM CT (US)
Dinkerboy,First, make sure your heal script is in the story directory, lets call it "Heal.c" for simplicity.
Next, DinkEdit and go the map screen on which you want to be able to attain the heal spell.
Press tab and the cursor should turn into a mouse pointer. Now select a sprite that does not look important, a chair or a tree for example. (to select the sprite simply press enter or click the mouse button while the pointer is over the sprite, the pointer should disapear indicating that you've got ahold of the sprite).
Okay, press SHIFT + 5, and a menu should pop up saying "script" with a place for you to type in a script name. (if there is already a script attached to this sprite, you probably should put this sprite down and select a different one). Type in "heal" (note there is no .c extension). Now press enter and then press enter again to release the sprite. Press escape 3 times (or until you get back to the map editor screen, with all the purple and red squares.) Now press Q and DinkEdit will quit and save.
Go ahead and atart playing, it should work now, assuming that the script itself is legitimate that is...