posted 02-05- 10:58 PM CT (US)
Hey, thats great!Take your time, really. You have no idea how little work I'm putting into my end. Don't get me wrong, I intend to finish and all...I'm just not working as much as I used to.
As for the forum...well...
I'd most of all like to see it go back to how it used to was great back then, all the developers came here and when someone asked about a dmod we just pointed at the other forum...
I dunno..i still check this one every couple of days.. i haven't had many scripting questions recently.....i did put one up at the DN that i could have posted here to...
Yes, that would rule if it got back to how it was...the reason i was telling everyone to head over there is because nobody but a few check here, so most people won't get help. We could try to get all the scripters back here, though...