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joshriot posted 11-26- 03:52 AM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for joshriot   Click Here to Email joshriot  
i have a problem; my map.dat is almost 70 mb large! im thinking it is supposed to be this big, maybe around 20, so this is not right. as i recall i remember someone else posting about this and the solution is to transfer all the maps to a new screen. well the sad truth is that i have been playing around with dinkedit since the demo came out and i still cant figure out how to use the damn l-screen importer thing! i try c:/spg/spg for instance and nothing happpens. help me please and have a nice day.
joshriot posted 11-26- 03:54 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for joshriot  Click Here to Email joshriot     
to correct myself, i mean that the solution is to transfer all the screens to a new map... snakes
redink1 posted 12-01- 10:41 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for redink1  Click Here to Email redink1     
Yep, thats the solution. Prophecy of the Ancients used to have a huge map too, and Gary had to move all of the map squares to another map three times.

Though for the Screen importer, you would type in:


I think you have to use \ slashes and include the last slash for it to work. Or maybe you can't have the last slash... I forget.

Nexis posted 12-02- 07:37 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Nexis  Click Here to Email Nexis     
Actually, I think this happened to me only twice(although it might have been three times, it's been too long). Had to go through copying every single screen two times around. You would have thought I would have learned to back things up the second time around. :)

Not sure if this would work on not but it would be interesting to try. Try opening and saving the dmod in windinkedit, either it will open and you can save it normally or the dmod won't even open. My guess is that it won't even load though. Let me know if you try though.

WDE reads and writes the entire map at once, whereas dinkedit only does one screen at a time. But due to the way I store information it only takes 1/20 - 1/50 of the original space (so it's fast and uses little memory).

joshriot posted 12-04- 02:55 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for joshriot  Click Here to Email joshriot     
i figured out how to use the screen importer. yay. maybe it is just this crappy computer, because i use the one in my room to work on my mod and that worked perfectly, but before when i worked on my mod on this computer it would never work.

i opened the old map in windinkedit, because since i couldnt figure out the screen importer in dinkedit then maybe windinkedit would work for me... but it did not. everything was all messed up and i couldnt figure out what the hell was going on, so i closed that sucker and didnt save it. well now i got a fresh map and it is all cool. thanks homeys.

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