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Author Topic:   Visions
Jandre404 posted 11-10- 08:50 AM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for Jandre404   Click Here to Email Jandre404  
I am trying to make the vision thingy function, but i am not making any progress!

I am using Windinkedit 0.7.1
Basic idea Dink does something, a global var gets adjusted, vision 1 is supposed to appear
else vision 0

With Vision 0 there is a rock blocking Dinks path, in Vision 1 I want it removed.

So if I place the rock in Vision 0 then go to Vision 1 and move the rock, and then go
back to Vision 0 the rock is gone from Vision 0 but is still in Vision 1

Please help.

Is there a newer WinDinkEdit available?

Please help me, I am planning a great (I hope) mod called The Man with the GoldenDink.


joshriot posted 11-11- 06:11 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for joshriot  Click Here to Email joshriot     
hmm, i dont see why visions is working that way for you. there are ways to do the same thing without messing with visions, for instance:

open main.c and find the bottom of the variable list

make a new variable, name it &rockotron or something, perhaps.

so your line in the main.c (if you did it right) should look like this:

make_global_int("&rockotron", 0);

0 is the value of rockotron.

now, say we want the rock to be seen now but gone after a certain thing happens. the change in rockotron's value will trigger our rock to launch into outter space. consider attaching a script such as this to the rock.

void main( void)
if (&rockotron == 1)
sp_active(¤t_sprite, 0)

thats all you need! giving sp_active of zero to the rock will render it gone. so whenever you want the rock to be gone make &rockotron equal to 1, if you dont know the line for this, consider the following:

&rockotron = 1;

you can put that line in another script, say after dink gives the rock destroyer a can of beer in turn for removing the rock.

FF4LIFE posted 11-14- 11:58 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
You want this to be when you enter the screen it is gone, correct? Because if you put the command in the main proc then it will only happen when you enter the screen. If you want the rock to move while dink is on the screen, that's a totaly different story.
Nexis posted 11-15- 04:41 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Nexis  Click Here to Email Nexis     
Actually, this is the way it is supposed to work (at least the way it works in both dinkedit and WDE). When you drop anything in a vision it will change the vision number to that vision number. Perhaps this should be changed though to only set the vision number on sprites dropped if the sprite wasn't picked up. It does sound annoying (I was just copying the way dinkedit does things).

There is also a new version od WDE available (version 0.8). I might possibly be releasing a new version this weekand since I finally have some free time. This one will have the ability to undo and redo things.

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