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Author Topic:   Maps...
Darius Wolfe posted 09-24- 06:57 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for Darius Wolfe   Click Here to Email Darius Wolfe  
Okay, Here's another question from me. I feel like I'm missing something really simple, but I can't for the life of me figure it out. I've looked through the Source for Dink, found the script which gives Dink the map, but still I can't seem to figure out how to implement the same in my own game.
FF4LIFE posted 09-24- 08:07 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Look for the script called key-#.c
Can't remember the exact number...but its the number for the M key. Each key has a number, and by making a script called key-#.c you can run whatever you want when its hit. Ask if you want any more info on this.
Anyway, in here you'll find what you're looking for, the show_bitmap command.
redink1 posted 09-24- 08:20 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for redink1  Click Here to Email redink1     
Imagine an annoying buzzer when you get a question wrong on a game show, FF4Life :)

MOST keys on the keyboard are assigned key-x scripts... except M, which is given button6.c

As for the script which 'gives' Dink the map... all it does is set a variable to another value, and button6.c detects for that value change to enable the map.

FF4LIFE posted 09-25- 06:20 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I can't believe i missed such an easy question!!!
Darius Wolfe posted 09-25- 11:37 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Darius Wolfe  Click Here to Email Darius Wolfe     
Actually FF4Life, I DID look for that. :-D I'm not a total newb, and I read through everything I could find before coming to the board, as well as trying a few things which I thought might work.
However, having seen the bit about scripts for keystrokes, (key-M.c or key-6.c) I went a-lookin', and managed to put blinders on so I didn't notice the frighteningly obvious button-6. Thanks though, you two, that ought to fix the problem.
Darius Wolfe posted 09-25- 11:54 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Darius Wolfe  Click Here to Email Darius Wolfe     
Err.. I DO know that the proper filename for keys of M and 6 would not be key-M.c and key-6.c. I just didn't feel like looking up the actual numeric code for those keystrokes.
Darius Wolfe posted 09-26- 01:25 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Darius Wolfe  Click Here to Email Darius Wolfe     
Okay, new question... ::le sigh::

I remember reading somewhere in this forum the proper way to take screen-shots, but I didn't find what I was looking for. I already knew about what it said in the FAQ, but that didn't work either.
I'm trying to make a .bmp of the map so that I can summon the map for my game (now that I've altered the button6.c to work) but when I try to screenshot the DinkEdit map into my MSPaint, I get a weird black screen with only a few things showing up vaguely on it. I loaded the Splash.bmp beforehand, but it still doesn't seem to help.

Beuc posted 09-26- 01:38 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Beuc  Click Here to Email Beuc     
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* TUTORIALS!!! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

You don't know TUTORIALS?
Then go to the Dink Network ( ), and click and this brand new "Author Tutorials Link".

Then, you'll find KeyCodes, by our beloved RedInk1, and also Taking Screenshots, with a step by step tutorial, by... the same author.
I was a complete Dink newbie a year ago, I read these tuts quite twice, and now I'm the best!!! - or quite.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* TUTORIALS!!! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Darius Wolfe posted 09-26- 02:35 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Darius Wolfe  Click Here to Email Darius Wolfe     
I know how to find the keycodes, thanks but no thanks.
As for the tutorials, they kinda ASSUME you have Paint Shop Pro... Which I don't. So, unless you're trying to say that I *can't* make a map file without PSP, then those are absolutely no help.

Lastly, I don't appreciate your efforts to make me feel stupid, Beuc. I've seen you do the same thing to many other people, though some of them perhaps deserved it because they didn't bother to look for the answers to their questions before asking, expecting to have it handed to them on a silver platter.

I, however, did not. I have searched through all the resources that I know of, and have found nothing that will help me. I, contrary to the condescending attitude you are throwing at me, am not stupid.
With respect to your knowledge and your greater experience, don't EVER patronize me.

Tamtur posted 09-26- 02:50 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Tamtur  Click Here to Email Tamtur     
You're doing it right up to a point... it looks the way it does when you get it into MSpaint because the dink palette is different than the standard palette. I don't think MS paint has the capabilities to change the palette to a certain scheme. You can download the dink palette; the link is mentioned in the step through at the Dink Network (the link in Beuc's message).

Download the trial version of paint shop pro (if you don't already have it) to use. You can get it at (search for paint shop pro 3.11). Then you can just follow the steps in the tutorial Beuc mentioned.

Good luck

redink1 posted 09-26- 04:11 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for redink1  Click Here to Email redink1     
Or, join the 'enlightened' bunch of D-Mod authors who use WinDinkedit, which has screenshot support built in. Detail the map, select Take Screenshot, and tada.
Beuc posted 09-27- 11:04 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Beuc  Click Here to Email Beuc     
OK, know I have more information.

1°) I didn't managed to apply the dink palette maintaning colors indexes with PhotoShop or any other program than Paint Shop Pro.
- or you get the trial like Tamtur said
- or you send the DMOD to somebody who have PSP and can take the screenshots.
- or you take WinDinkEdit - as RedInk1

2°) You can have the keycodes, ok. But look at the tutorial anyway - I wasn't clear on this point - because this explains exactly...
Wait! I misunderstood something, when you talked about the keycodes for 'M'.
So the answer for that question is that before v1.06, there wasn't any key-XX scripts, only for button 6 / button M. So it's a thing to have backward compatibility :)
Seth might have added also the keycode for the M key, this doesn't matter is the button has 2 scripts attached, maybe.

3°) Posting 3 messages the one after the other is too much for me; I'm used to see some people quite "spamming" the board. In addition your style was a bit messy in these posts. Last, little last of information, you only talk about Mike's FAQ, so I pointed out the other tutorials. I can also add that you replied to these old posts, but I see that you didn't noticed the date - and you surely choosed to see all messages "from last year" in the board main page, as theses messages are invisible by default.

Now, all is clear. You know why I talked you like this;
Sorry, if I seemed to try to be the BOSS ;)
And I like tutorials :D

Beuc posted 09-27- 11:34 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Beuc  Click Here to Email Beuc     
I noticed 2 things:
- the first line of the previous post is:
"OK, NOW I have more information.", sorry.

- I made Lots of people feel stupid?
I don't remember, sorry. I know I've used a big message about tutorials 3 or 4 times for people asking for basic informations. And this big message was I think a nice help, even if I tell people that they could have found it alone - an elemental rule on Internet is to search and then post on forums.
I don't have to do this, but a sad this is that these people usually don't post again to say any thanks (often, they don't post at all anymore). And I don't see any thanks from you in this post, to other people or to me.

- Last, if you want you can send me your zipped DMOD: this way, I'll take the screen-shot, as I have PSP evaluation + the Dink palette, and send it to you; I already did this for Sharp :)

Darius Wolfe posted 09-28- 12:31 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Darius Wolfe  Click Here to Email Darius Wolfe     
The reason I'd not posted a thank you yet is because I hadn't yet checked all of the options suggested. Now that I have, I am ready and willing to thank everyone for their help.

I make a point to check any and all tutorials, FAQs, and these message boards (the reason why I responded to posts months old.. I was looking for people who asked the same questions I had) before I ask a question. I am by-and-large an independent person who likes to try to make things work on my own, but when I cannot do it, then I am not afraid to ask for help.

I DO respect your knowledge in these matters Beuc, as I've noted you were the one to come up with effective answers to most of the technical questions on these boards. But to have you shout "TUTORIALS" at me, with lots of ostentatious bracketing just got my hackles up, so to speak. And the 3 posts in a row was a "thank you" a correction to the previous post, and a new question, still relating to the subject line. Not spam, by any means.

As for the winning suggestion, I tried WinDinkEdit. I never managed to get anything out of the 'Take Screenshot' option, but taking a screenshot the normal way, converting it to the Dink Palette, and converting it to 640x480 seems to work. One problem, not a major one, and one I'm certain I'll fix eventually is that the map on WinDinkEdit is grainy from the screen chooser screen.
Oh well. Thanks all.

Beuc posted 09-28- 06:04 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Beuc  Click Here to Email Beuc     
Sorry for the -*-*- TUTORIALS -*-*-, it's the first time I do this, and I'll try to make it be the last time ;)

I won't be around for a while now, so I wish you good luck and all the best for your project(s) :)

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