posted 09-23- 04:22 AM CT (US)
Here's what I replied a while ago:> wwhere do you find dmod tutorials that tell you how to do
> basic stuff, like make people talk??(I dont even know
> that!!!!!!)
Lots of cool DMOD tutorials here:
(Dink Network, Author Files part).
You have also a fiel called tut1.txt in the \develop dir of your main Dink directory, which will teach you the basics.
And to finish you have the list and the description of all DinkC commands in the dinkc.txt, still in your develop directory. This file is also available in .hlp format (usefull).
You can also get helped by Esay DinkC, a text editor for DinkC script which allow you to select and configure commands you want to add (eg add a dialog in "dialog-o-matic" (or something)).
But I recommend you to learn the basics before to use it though, you'll understand better what you do.
At last, if you have a script problem click the link below, it's Prowler-Pro DMOD forum, where you probably find someone whi has the answers you need (don't spam though).
Good luck :)
BUT, anyway, you could have found this alone, IMHO.