Topic: tile droppings! eww!!
Darius Wolfe |
posted 09-18- 03:12 AM CT (US)
I used a suggestion on the FAQ involving the hardness function (h) on DinkEdit. I eventually ended up deciding on another method instead, however, when I began getting "tile droppings" all over the place. What I mean is... Whenever I add tiles, whether to turn grass into road, ledge, or what have you, I get this little bits of hardness all over the place. I'm able to get rid of them by stamping a blank hardness over them, but they keep coming back. Any suggestions?
posted 09-19- 12:06 AM CT (US)
Yeah, that exact thing happened to me what i did was the first like 30 were empty, but turned out to be grass, so anyway, i had made nice house outlines with those, then the grass was whack, so i left 30 as my primary blank one, and went around stamping on all the droppings....its time consuming, but works. I think there are more towards the end of the list that aren't already used...but too late :) |