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  starting my dmod with a weapon?

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Author Topic:   starting my dmod with a weapon?
gammaray posted 09-06- 08:58 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for gammaray   Click Here to Email gammaray  
I changed the loading script but when I run my dmod dink has the weapon but when you look in the inventory all it shows is the picture of the fists. How do I load the graphic into the inventory?
FF4LIFE posted 09-07- 12:06 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
If the fist equiped act like the weapon you want, then you loaded the weapon, just used the wrong picture. When you give him the weapon, its a command like add_weapon("weapon.", x, x);
something like that...anyway, there are two numbers. The first you most likely don't change, because thats the directory of the icon you want. All the weapons are in 450 something i think. Then the second number, which is probebly 1, which is the fist, you need to change to whatever you want it to look like. Basicaly, find the icon you want and load your weapon with it, because the weapon script has nothing to do with how it appears in your inventory.

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