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  problem loading dmods

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Author Topic:   problem loading dmods
hartzler posted 08-23- 06:19 AM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for hartzler   Click Here to Email hartzler  
I've been able to load 2 dmods fine, (Dinkopolis and Legend of Dink), but the next three I've tried wouldn't work. (Prophecy of the Ancients, Stone of Balance, and Isle of Croth) Instead of showing up in the dmods, it shows "story" "tiles" "graphics" and "story" rather than the dmod title. I downloaded and unzipped each dmod the same way, so I am lost about the why of it. If anyone could offer info or advice I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
Beuc posted 08-23- 06:57 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Beuc  Click Here to Email Beuc     
I've been able to load 2 dmods fine, (Dinkopolis and Legend of Dink), but the next three I've tried wouldn't work. (Prophecy of the Ancients, Stone of Balance, and Isle of Croth) Instead of showing up in the dmods, it shows "story" "tiles" "graphics" and "story" rather than the dmod title. I downloaded and unzipped each dmod the same way, so I am lost about the why of it. If anyone could offer info or advice I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

OK, a DMod must be installed in a subdirectory out of your main Dink directory.
EG, if you installed Dink in C:\Program Files\Dink Smallwood\, then you should install Stone of Balance in C:\Program Files\Dink Smallwood\SoB\.
Then, each DMod is separated in 4 directories, \Story, \Graphics, \Tiles, et \Sonds. In our example, we'll have:
C:\Program Files\Dink Smallwood\SoB\Story\
C:\Program Files\Dink Smallwood\SoB\Graphics\
C:\Program Files\Dink Smallwood\SoB\Tiles\
C:\Program Files\Dink Smallwood\SoB\Sounds\

What you made, is to install SoB straight in C:\Program Files\Dink Smallwood, so the subdirs were copied in the wrong place. And then you installed other DMods using the wrong way, so you can deleted now the \Story, \Graphics, \Tiles, et \Sonds directories that are in C:\Program Files\Dink Smallwood.
Then, you'll have to install correctly the DMod in a subdir. In SoB, create a SoB dir out of your main Dink Directory, then take, and extract it in this new subdirectory :)

For WinZip explanation, go to\help_install.shtml (you didn't checked it, do you ;))?

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