posted 08-19- 12:00 PM CT (US) Ok recently after playing dink smallwood again I noticed some music from certain places that are the same as music from a certain movie. Now seth if your reading this I figured out the sick hidden joke. When you first go out into the wilderness from the first town in the original game. And your in the forest and stuff you here some calm music or whatever. Well anyway ive linked this music to a anime movie called end of Summer in the very beginning of the movie the song plays.
But whats disturbing about this is that this aint your everyday anime that's expected to be watched by ten year olds. End of Summer is a hentai flick. When I say hentai i mean naked stuff there is sex in that movie cartoon sex! The only way seth would know about that song is if he watched it. So seth I really let the cat out of the bag this time. Seth watches hentai movies I HAVE REVEALED HIS SECRET. Well seth either you downloaded this or you picked something up from your earlier trips to japan! Hehehe.
Lord Avatar
posted 08-19- 12:10 PM CT (US)
I bet seth remembers some of the characters in that movie too??? Hmmm maybe you can name the main character eh. Does the name Wataru sound familiar? Or maybe the story about his quest to get a impossible girl to fall in love with him.... Hmm maybe we would all be interested to see if seth can tell us the girl's name in that movie. Now if you people dont believe me email me and i can send you the link to the site where I got the movie from. Im telling you seth watches hentai.
posted 08-19- 02:22 PM CT (US)
I may believe you... but what for? Who cares ;) ?
posted 08-21- 03:58 PM CT (US)
its a scandal! we are all being brainwashed into watching cartoons have sex by subliminal messaged in dink smallwood!
posted 08-22- 01:00 PM CT (US)
I suppose that's why Seth never released Dink's Visual C Source, hehehe ;)
posted 09-06- 09:55 PM CT (US)
Hey, Lord Avatar does that mean you watch Hentai movies too? Huh? You're real smart for making fun of Seth for doing something that you obviously do. That's like crack addicts making fun of each other! Whatever!
posted 09-07- 12:06 AM CT (US)
God! I hate hypocrates!