Topic: Stone of Balance
DougieVan |
posted 08-16- 06:03 AM CT (US)
Does anyone know how to get the stone on the 4th story? Does it somehow involve getting satin? Where do you get it? Please help!
posted 08-16- 12:08 PM CT (US)
After getting the club, the teleportation magic (you will need the magic and a red gem, dont use them untill after you do everything in this walk through), and talking to everyone go to the temple and ask to become a prest, he will tell you to find a sacrifice. Head to the house of the lady with a daughter that lives in the forest, she has to jewel inside of her. Talk to her and tell her to give you the jewel, and such, she will get very pissed at you. After this beat her over the head with the club, and watch the cut scene. |
Doctor Oakroot
posted 08-18- 01:17 PM CT (US)
I thought that story was a nice touch - you can "win" but fail to get the stone if you don't do it right. Sort of like real life. LOL |
posted 08-19- 12:40 AM CT (US)
Yes that is by far my favorite thing about SoB is that you can fail most of the missions. I'm playing thru my second time now, hoping not to miss any gems ;) |
posted 08-26- 05:42 AM CT (US)
Does that mean if you do something different, and don't get the gem, and get taken to story 5, that you can't finish the game? |
posted 08-27- 06:38 PM CT (US)
You can finish the game without all the pieces. It is just harder. The piece from Story 4 when used with those from 1 2 and 3 restores your health.If you get the first 5 pieces, arm the fifth and all your stats get balanced. Use this with the immunity potion and you become invincible (almost) when fighting the end boss. ~:-) |