Topic: Fnarking Shnite... no cool darkness technique after all (maybe)
redink1 |
posted 08-12- 11:29 AM CT (US)
Yeah, cane me all you want, the darkness technique (really a dumb hack) doesn't work after all. Well, it does work (kinda) but there is one tiny problem: it is processor dependant. Sort of like the problem with Dinkanoid; it don't work very well on fast computers.It runs great on a K6-2 333mhz, ATI Rage Pro, etc. (my old computer), but try to use the darkness technique on my 1.4 GHZ Athlon, and it just does a cruddy fade_down(). Disappointing to say the least. To find out how I did it, check out the following scripts. It doesn't really make any sense how it works (at least it didn't to me at first), but my theory is spawning a lot fo dark2.c makes dink.exe halt the fade_down process before it was completed (hence, semi-darkness). I discovered this while trying to spawn a lot of bombs while fading down; I streamlined it to the point where it worked without having to use bomb sprites or sounds. //dark1.c - to be spawned from another script //&darkness - global variable, defined before dark1.c is spawned void main(void) { int &bcount = 0; loop: spawn("dark2"); &bcount += 1; if (&bcount < &darkness) goto loop; //Darkness is between 70-100. 70 really dark, 100 really light fade_down(); kill_this_task(); } //dark2.c - referenced to in dark1.c void main(void ) { wait(1); kill_this_task(); } One other option (perhaps) is to do something like this: fade_down(); wait(50); loop: fade_up(); wait(1); fade_down(); wait(1); goto loop; I haven't tested this (typing this on a non-Dink computer), but I think it could work. Though I thought I did something like that before and it didn't work (or something... I don't remember).
posted 08-15- 11:20 AM CT (US)
Do you remember in the Dink forever series how darkness took for me like 10 minuits? It was in the save machien/inventory screen. I don't really remember how I got there though. Well, I was thinking (suprise, suprise), If you could lengthin the amount of time the darkness takes it would give you more room to manover in... But then it could all be because I was running those d-mods on a 75mhz comp... But that was the only time I experianced a slowdown like that.. Chrispy. |
posted 08-15- 01:35 PM CT (US)
For your 2nd solution, RedInk1, it doesn't work because fade_[down|up](...) make the script pause. Maybe if you spaw several times a script like this, instead of a loop... |
posted 08-15- 03:03 PM CT (US)
Yeah, I saw that the second doesn't work.I did try something that kinda worked though (like you said, but I tried it a couple days ago). //NEscript.c fade_down(); wait(50); spawn("fup"); spawn("fdn"); //fup.c loop: fade_up(); wait(1); goto loop; //fdn.c loop: fade_down(); wait(1); goto loop; But it gradually got darker as time went on (and wit as too flickery). Oh well... a lost cause I guess. |
posted 08-15- 05:34 PM CT (US)
Well, at what rate did it get darker? If it was fairly slow, that would be the startings for a great day/night script. |
posted 08-15- 11:52 PM CT (US)
I think we need to hurt Seth for not releasing the source to dink so people like me that programm in direct x can make cool stuff like that. |
posted 08-16- 09:01 PM CT (US)
Humm, I could make a program that based on your processor speed will write the script to the appropriate wait(); time, you would run it like DEA (Dink Engine Add-on, a program in development By The WCNET). What do you Think Redink? |
posted 08-16- 11:21 PM CT (US)
How will you calculate it? I can't be on prossessor speed because you might not have defraged your comp for over 2 years now like me... Or you could have a lot of programs running... Would you have it check the speed against the clock or what? Hmmm Just brainstorming outyping. |
posted 08-18- 01:11 AM CT (US)
Couldn't you find the procesor speed from within the d-mod? Something like://speedtst.c main ( void ) { &speed = 0; //&speed would be global. int &script = spawn("tick"); wait(1000); run_script_by_number(&script, "kill"); say("speed is &speed.", 1); kill_this_task(); } //tick.c main ( void ) { loop: &speed += 1; wait(1); goto loop; } kill ( void ) { kill_this_task(); } I think that would give you some indication of computer speed, not just make &speed 1000 as the numbers would lead one to believe. |
posted 08-18- 08:47 AM CT (US)
If rigged right, you *might* be able to rig thta into a script the determins the speed and then uses that in a formula to set the darkness level.--WC |
posted 08-18- 04:38 PM CT (US)
Neat script Paul. I'll do some tests and such... |