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  trouble getting the status bar to redraw

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Author Topic:   trouble getting the status bar to redraw
Tamtur posted 06-15- 03:50 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for Tamtur   Click Here to Email Tamtur  
Hey guys

For my flashcard program, I changed the graphics for the status bar and loaded them into the same sequence in the same order as the old status bar. It works fine when I start up the program, but when I switch to map screen 2 and then back to screen 1 it doesn't redraw it. Here's the end of the code where I switch back:

sp_x(1, 300);
sp_y(1, 300);

&player_map = 1;

&update_status = 1;



Beuc posted 06-18- 05:01 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Beuc  Click Here to Email Beuc     
1) &update_status is only necessary 1 time, as it's a global var.
It just tell Dink to.. update status everytime it's needed. If you turn it to 0, then the status won't be updated (and btw Dink can't die, eg ;)
Well, no matter.

2) Did you try the same script with the original graphics? Does this work well?

3) Sorry, I don't play cards, I'm not a native English...
What's a "Flash Card" game?
Is it like [i]Magic the Gathering[i]?

Tamtur posted 06-18- 11:14 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Tamtur  Click Here to Email Tamtur     
Thanks Beuc,

I only added the &update_status after it wouldn't work, I'll take that out since its unnecessary.

I just now tried it with the original graphics and it didn't work - it doesn't even draw the sprites that show the amount of life/experience/etc for Dink.
After I switch to map screen 2 I used the show_bmp command, could that be causing problems even though I switch back to map 1?

As for your question, it's not really a game - when you're trying to learn, for example, a language, you can take index cards and write one word of the language on one side and the translation on the other. Then you go through a stack of cards done that way reading the word on one side and trying to remember the translation, and if you can't you just look at the other side. That way you learn all the words.

Thanks again

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