posted 06-03- 06:20 PM CT (US) Can anybody tell me the best way to take screenshots? I have pretty much finished a D-Mod I've been working on for a while, and I need to get some screenshots of it. Any help would be appreciated, thx.
posted 06-03- 06:29 PM CT (US)
Redink made a great tutorial about this, just go to
posted 06-03- 07:13 PM CT (US)
ive tried them all and the best way for me is to get hyper snap dx
posted 06-04- 12:44 PM CT (US)
If you have paint shop pro (I have the full version, it might be in the trial version too) you can use the "capture" command. Some other paint programs probably have it too. You just turn it on and tell it which key you will press when you want a pic. Pressing prtscn and copying into a pic also works.
posted 06-04- 02:21 PM CT (US)
Yes, also in the trial version of PSP :) Just don't forget to 'Maintain Indexes' while importing the new palette :)
posted 06-14- 11:12 PM CT (US)
anyone ever heard of
hold down on the ALT key and then hit the PrintScreen key...probably says "Print Scrn"
then exit your d-mod ..go into any paint package and paste as a new image and save it...easy huh?
posted 06-15- 11:33 AM CT (US)
Read the tutorial, and then you'll see you're wrong. Just try your method, and you'll get some crappy and blackened picture in your graph software... You'll have to mess up with palettes, and so. Read the tut :)