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  endless loop in screen script

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Author Topic:   endless loop in screen script
Tamtur posted 05-31- 12:03 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for Tamtur   Click Here to Email Tamtur  
I ended up attaching the random-number script to screen 2. The bulk of the program is on screen 1. Theoretically, the user clicks the randomize button, it pops over to screen 2 (with a please wait sign), then when it's finished, it pops back to screen 1 all set to go.

Unfortunately, what my script is doing is running all the way through, then starting over again. The "final numbers" do pop up on the screen, then it tries to rerun the script. Here is the end of the main procedure where it's supposed to go back to screen 1:

say_xy("final numbers are &01word, &02word, &03word, &04word", 100, 150);
say_xy("&05word, &06word, &07word, &08word", 100, 200);
say_xy("&09word, &10word, &11word, &12word", 100, 250);

&myrnd = 1;
&track = 1;

wait (500);

sp_x(1, 300);
sp_y(1, 300);

&playermap = 1;

I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I think it's because it's attached to a room. Suggestions?

FF4LIFE posted 05-31- 05:46 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Try putting either a return; or a Kill_this_task(); at the end.

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