posted 05-23- 06:23 AM CT (US)
My guess is he's actually on map square 0 (An exact copy of your first map) and that the command which you're using to zap Dink to your first square has a typo mistake, or is not correct DinkC.I wrote a little script that tells you which map square Dink is on and co-ordinates (very handy for Beta testing)... Copy this, save it as key-87.c then put it in the Story directory of your DMOD and Dink will tell you where he is when you hit the "W" key.
//where Dink currently is
void main ( void )
//playsound(57, 22050, 0, 0, 0);
int &dx = sp_x(1, -1);
int &dy = sp_y(1, -1);
say("My position is &dx, &dy", 1);
say_stop_xy("`6YOU ARE ON MAP &player_map", 0, 50);
I've commented out the playsound thing, as your sound bank may not have a sound 57