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  Adding new graphics files to the sprite archive

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Author Topic:   Adding new graphics files to the sprite archive
kissbadik posted 05-03- 05:34 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for kissbadik   Click Here to Email kissbadik  
I was wondering if you could help me to understand how to add new graphics files to use in my DMOD's. I've listed a sample from the dink.ini file below. I believe this is where you have to state what pictures go into each sequence.

load_sequence_now graphics\dink\sword\hit\d-sa2- 102* 75 52 92 -23 -12 24 11

I understand everything upto the *. The numbers that follow are what I don't understand. Can you help me ? Also, can you please tell me what the ffcreate.exe program does ?


FF4LIFE posted 05-03- 11:01 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
load_sequence_now graphics\pirate\pirate- 20 1 48 79 -60 -36 64 25

20= sequence#
1 = not sure maybe delay but adding 1 always works for me.

All the numbers below can be added by the Dink editor by going into edit mode selecting the sequence then highlighting the frame then pressing E.

48 = x coordinate center
79 = y coordinate center
-60 = left hardbox boundary
-36 = top hardbox boundary
64 = right hardbox boundary
25 = bottom hardbox boundary

Drakeman posted 05-04- 01:54 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Drakeman  Click Here to Email Drakeman     
There is a guide to the dink.ini stuff in the author's section by Gary Hertel (the author of POA and WinDinkEdit)

the number after the sequence number is frame rate...

kissbadik posted 05-04- 12:29 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for kissbadik  Click Here to Email kissbadik     
Thanks for the help guys. I understand it all now, well .... almost LOL. Can you please tell me what the best software package for creating new sprites and background tiles is ?

Thanx again.

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