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  Fists and swords

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Author Topic:   Fists and swords
DMOD Guy posted 03-27- 04:15 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for DMOD Guy   Click Here to Email DMOD Guy  
My new DMOD is going A-OK but whenever I start it up my guy is holding a sword, but in my inventory all he has is fists.

Another thing that has come to my attention is the fact that when I was looking around the script for the beam sword there is no place where it talks about the image in your inventory. I want to replace it with these pictures I made myself, but there is nothing like:


or anything. can someone help me please?

Drakeman posted 03-28- 01:59 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Drakeman  Click Here to Email Drakeman     
You need to load the graphics via the dink.ini file.

Have you looked at the various graphics tutorials at the Dink network?

As for starting with a sword, that depends on what base graphics you have in either your main.c or start.c files. The graphics for the sword are loaded first (I think... because they have more frames or something) and then the normal ones.

If you look at the item-sw1.c script you will see how graphics are changed on arming and disarming the sword.

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