posted 09-19- 12:19 AM CT (US)
Some of the easiest commands in the beggining are say and move, you can do good scenes with just those. And yes, 1 means dink, so for example, dink moves, then says something:move(1, 4, 100, 0);
say("WOW! I MOVED!", 1);
this means:
1 = who's moving, could replace it with ¤t_sprite
4 = direction on numpad
100 = coordante. If its a left/right motion, 4 or 6, its the x position the sprite is moving to. Also for diagnols, 7,9,1,3, you use the x position. If its up/down you use the y position.
and the 0 at the end
if its 0 then the sprite cannot go thru hardboxes. If its 1 it can. So if you want a guy to go til he hits something, use 0, and if you want him to walk thru something, use 1
for say:
say("TEXT", __);
that blank, or the 1, is who's saying it, so dink or ¤t_sprite. Otherwise just put your text in.
also, for scense where dink is frozen, use
then later
now, if he's frozen and you want him to talk as fast as you hit the spacebar, thats called say_stop. Its used most often. Simply replace say with say_stop
say_stop("BLEH", 1);
For move, move_stop means that the script does not continue, meaning it won't read even the next line, until the sprite has reached its destination. So if dinks gonna run in circles, you'll want move_stop, like this:
move_stop(1, 4, 100, 0);
move_stop(1, 8, 100, 0);
move_stop(1, 6, 200, 0);
move_stop(1, 2, 200, 0);
there! he ran a circle!
anywho, hope that really long reply made sense..i'm kinda tired right now, so maybe it doesn't...
oh well!
Will M!