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Author Topic:   Dmod Help
baby37405 posted 03-24- 09:22 AM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for baby37405   Click Here to Email baby37405  
Ok i have 2 questions
#1 can anyone tell me how do you make dink do the auto sequences.
#2 when i test my dmod where the inside of my house is where is supposed to be black around the outside of the house its grass. Not sure what i don wrong there :)

as far as everything else its going good. I finaly figured out warps and how to change scipts as far as makin the characters say diff stuff.
thanx for ya help :)

FF4LIFE posted 03-24- 10:45 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
What's an auto sequence? I'm sure I know the answer, but I don't know what you want, specify
and the outside of the inside of your house...hmm..right...anyway, thats grass because you kept it as grass. I'm assuming you changed the tiles on the inside of the house to something else, so just take the all black tile found in '1' and shade in the outside area.
baby37405 posted 03-25- 06:59 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for baby37405  Click Here to Email baby37405     
Auto sequence what i mean is like at the begining of dmod when explaining the quest for the dmod

say if i wanted at a certain point in game i wanted the player not to baable to move dink and a goblin came onto screen sayin what are you doing here??? GAURDS get him and they take him to a dungeon for example.

Darius Wolfe posted 09-18- 04:16 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Darius Wolfe  Click Here to Email Darius Wolfe     
I'm probably no better than you are, but I do have some small experience with procedure based programming, so I can figure some things out.
If you don't want Dink running around, use the text:


in the script. Be sure to put:


later, so that he can move again. Also, replacing the '1' with '¤t_sprite' or the number of the sprite you want to freeze will also freeze or unfreeze them.
Now if you wanted the guards to grab Dink and drag him into the dungeon, or whatever, you'd have to choreograph some move commands on the guards and Dink. Unfortunately, I can't help you with those.. I learn by necessity, and I haven't needed to learn how to use that yet. I'm sure someone else can, though.

FF4LIFE posted 09-19- 12:19 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Some of the easiest commands in the beggining are say and move, you can do good scenes with just those. And yes, 1 means dink, so for example, dink moves, then says something:

move(1, 4, 100, 0);
say("WOW! I MOVED!", 1);

this means:
1 = who's moving, could replace it with ¤t_sprite
4 = direction on numpad
100 = coordante. If its a left/right motion, 4 or 6, its the x position the sprite is moving to. Also for diagnols, 7,9,1,3, you use the x position. If its up/down you use the y position.

and the 0 at the end
if its 0 then the sprite cannot go thru hardboxes. If its 1 it can. So if you want a guy to go til he hits something, use 0, and if you want him to walk thru something, use 1

for say:
say("TEXT", __);
that blank, or the 1, is who's saying it, so dink or ¤t_sprite. Otherwise just put your text in.

also, for scense where dink is frozen, use
then later

now, if he's frozen and you want him to talk as fast as you hit the spacebar, thats called say_stop. Its used most often. Simply replace say with say_stop

say_stop("BLEH", 1);

For move, move_stop means that the script does not continue, meaning it won't read even the next line, until the sprite has reached its destination. So if dinks gonna run in circles, you'll want move_stop, like this:

move_stop(1, 4, 100, 0);
move_stop(1, 8, 100, 0);
move_stop(1, 6, 200, 0);
move_stop(1, 2, 200, 0);

there! he ran a circle!

anywho, hope that really long reply made sense..i'm kinda tired right now, so maybe it doesn't...

oh well!

Will M!

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