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  Source script for some games....

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Author Topic:   Source script for some games....
FF4LIFE posted 02-11- 03:38 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE   Click Here to Email FF4LIFE  
I was just wondering if I could get some source script for some games. Why do you guys all put it in .D anyway? Oh well, is there a place I could get the source for games like dinkanoid, prophesy of the ancients, stone of balance, i haven't played LOT yet, but people are telling me I sould do something similar to something they did in that(I have no clue what) but the source would probebly help when it came to that. So yeah, I was just wondering if there was a big vault where all the real scripts are kept.
Nexis posted 02-11- 10:05 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Nexis  Click Here to Email Nexis     
Well I put it in the .d format because I actually thought it was speeding up the files (not slowing it down) when I released my dmod. The source to my dmod is available on the dink network I think (although it's poorly written compared to my code now).

You can probably get the source to most dmods from the story directories or emailing the author for it. You could also decompress the .d files if you know how to write a C program (it's the byte pair encoding algorithm, do an internet search for it) but you'll have to figure out the rest yourself.

FF4LIFE posted 02-12- 05:14 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Hmm, I'll look for that file thanks, and I guess I'll look around for the c files or email people.


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