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  Some big things, possibly you guys can help...

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Author Topic:   Some big things, possibly you guys can help...
FF4LIFE posted 02-07- 06:59 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE   Click Here to Email FF4LIFE  
Ok, for my game, i'm planing some really large scale operations that i'm not sure have been done or even attempted before. I thank anyone that has started to read this, and erge them to continue, because maybe one of you can help me before I email seth about these things. Well, here goes.

One of the major things I'm planning is that this game is going to be HUGE. So huge, it can't all fit on one map. What I have planed now is that there are multiple dmods, and at a point in the game, you would save your game then transfer that file to the other dmod. The problem with this is, its annoying, and incompatent people will end up losing their save games and blaming me. It will work this way, but my game is going to be a caste game, like zelda, so if you want to go back to a castle a while ago, you might be required to save your game and quit dink, transfer a file, then start dink again. This is even more tedius because my game already takes a rediculously long time to load. Basicly, I'm wondering if it is possible to make the map file bigger, so it cane have twice or thrice as many squares. If not, I'm looking for a more efficiant way to switch between the dmods. I'm guessing you can't help me with the map file, so I'll email seth on that...

Another thing that will screw me over big time with my large game is the parameters. I'm only alowed so many sprite, so many edits of those sprite, so many globals, so many EVERYTHING!! Its making me mad! Changing this will probebly require some editing from seth, but possibly this has come up before.

Getting actually into my game, I have noticed the limited ammount of space for items and magic. This doesn't bother me in dink smallwood, as how there are only 4 spells and not very many items, but my game will require a larger amount of space. What I hope to do, but have failed to, is either make seperate screens for magic and item selection, or make it so if you scroll to the bottom of the selection screen it scrolls down to another, for more items magic etc. The problem I'm facing is that there is no script for the screen, so I can't do anything save edit what it looks like. I also need to know how this works for a status screen I hope to include. So if anyone has ever figured out how this works, please inform me, if not, seth will recieve an even longer email from me.

Also itching in the back of my head, but not nearly as big a deal, is how to effectively play music. Right now, i'm using wavs, because they sound better than the midi versions of the songs i've written for the game. This causes the problem of largness, at nearly 50 megs each. So, people have told me to make a midi version. Which i started to do. The thing is, I also went to wavs because you could get them to loop, and keep looping until you told them to stop, midis play once through, and i really really don't like it. If there is a way to make midis loop, that information would be very much appreciated.

I know this is a long list of requests, and many far fetched, but please attempt to help me out here. I'm attempting to do something revolutionary, and I fear I cannot do it alone. Anything I cannot get answered by you guys I will hope seth can do something about.

Thank you for you time.

Beuc posted 02-08- 05:54 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Beuc  Click Here to Email Beuc     
In Lengend of Tenjin, Weisley used 2 map files, and you need to replace one by the other, as if you changed CD in PSX.
But this is dangerous: in LoT you change only one time of map, and so Weisley sure should have "reset" all that &hold = editor_num or such, to avoid the two map conflict.
So for your game, it won't be easy... maybe impossible. Well that was a way.

2) "Another thing that will screw me over big time with my large game is the parameters. I'm only alowed so many sprite, so many edits of those sprite, so many globals, so many EVERYTHING!! Its making me mad! Changing this will probebly require some editing from seth, but possibly this has come up before."

I didn't understand...

3) In Prphecy of the Ancients, Gary managed with 2 items, and each made a choice appear on the screen. Not very easy to use (for the player as for the creator I think), but... it worked!

4) Playing MIDI in loop: In RedInk1's neat stuff tutorial, there's a way to loop Midis, based on a timer. But it didn't worked neatly (what a shame for such a titled tut ;)), because the first time, the MIDI take a bit of time to load... So there's a bit of blank between 2 playing. So I did this:
void main(void)

if (&player_map = 123)
goto loop;

It may make the game be slow on old comps, I didn't tested.
There's still a bit of blank between 2 loops, but never longer than 1/2 or 1/4 second, as if you played a midi in loop with WinAmp.

Here it is!
Post again if you want to precise things (e.g. #3).

I wish you Good work!

FF4LIFE posted 02-10- 10:04 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
1)Yes, I was thinking something along the lines of a windows script that gets run, possibly from dink, that moves a specific save file. I can't just have it over write it, so instead i will have multiple mods. So in front end, you could open either DINK DISK 1 or DINK DISK 2, and you run 1 first. So then you get to a spot, and a guy tells you to save it, and you do, and by a program, or possibly manualy, you move that save file over to the other game, then you run DINK DISK 2, and to get back, save and move the file back...this is very tedius tho...

2)What i mean by this is you can only have like 200 globals, and i want more. Only 500 hardbox edits at the bottom of dink ini, those little set_sprite_info things, i need more. You can only have graphics up to #1000...well, i don't need more there...yet. Those kind of parameters. Things that make it so I can't make my game bigger..the map could be considered one also...i'll definately have to email seth on that, i'm not sure he'd be willing to, or could...

3)yeah, i just got done with prophesy of the ancients, the way he did it there was pretty good...i'm not sure it would work for me though... what i really really really want is to have a magic screen and an item screen... that or have it so when you push a button or scroll to the bottom it goes to another item screen..this would require knowledge i bet only seth has, as nobody else has managed, that i know of, to duplicate the item screen. Also, i need to do a status screen, pretty similarly, so the knowledge would help me out there.

4)Hmmm...that might...might work for my would require a little extra work, possibly slow it down some...but i'll try it... yeah, i really don't like the way in the game midi will stop, and not start again till you leave the screen...

Well, i'll wait a little while longer, seeping what information from you guys i can, then i'll write to seth and see what he can do. Thanks everyone!


Kornelije Petak posted 02-10- 07:10 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Kornelije Petak  Click Here to Email Kornelije Petak     
I gotta idea about the inventory and the status bar, but you should at least be creative, and all other things will come by. In LOT, there was a thing with mixing fruits. To me, great idea. That made me think and advice you to make your own inventory for all the items you want to place. Also, a good idea(requires more time and knowledge) is to make multiple items shown by one picture. So, if you have an apple, it would appear in the inventory and if you had 5 apples, the number would appear below/above the apple. Of course, that would make you create the pic for multiple items and that could be really annoying, so the first solution is actually better. About the interface/status bar... I did it in Planet Dryx. I changed the complete status bar, and added few effects to it, so it looks more sci-fi now and if you ask me, that is the best idea. I mean, you can't have midage status bar in the game which is placed in 3000 year. Of course for Zeldatype game, you can't have computer of the status bar, but that is all up to you.

About changing maps... I don't want you to take this as advice but only as my opinion. I think that DMOD is better if there are only 100 maps wisely used with lots of quests, than 5 maps with only empty space with trees. I know that that annoy me in DS cause I had to pass 15 screens to get to the destination. I used screens in PD as wise as I could so I used only one map but you will always have something to explore on almost every screen. The only problem is making the characters, but I will handle it. I hope so.

FF4LIFE posted 02-10- 10:58 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Ok, i'll have to get LOT to know what you're talking, the idea of having multiple things i had thought of, i'm going to have actualy designated places for everything, done by filling every space with a blank 'filler item' that does nothing, ask if you want more details. yeah, i was going to have bombs, potions, things like that so you can hold a certain number according to what belt you had, and it just appears as one. This is why i need the status screen. The bar, i feel i may be able to edite, but what i need is when you hit s, a screen comes up, which i can sort of do, and it makes a whole bunch of sprites depending on what you have and stuff... a related question, when people use the numbers for counting, like the sprites 0-9, is there a good way to do that? I've been able to do it, but it seems too tedius, like i'm missing something...
the way my maps will be...i don't have massive ammounts of nothing... the town/wilderness in my game is not large, what will be large is the castles, and this because their will be a hell of a lot of puzzles, so you're not just walking around bored, you're doing stuff..also, i have a teleport system from town to each castle that you've reached, so its even less aimless walking.
What did you mean by "The only problem is making the characters, but I will handle it. I hope so." anyway?
also, i don't think i can really do that status screen without more globals, because i will need a global to count how many of each kind of item you have, and plenty more...
a last thought, the biggest reason i want to have more invintory space is not so people can stock up on potions and things like that, i will limit the number of every item they get, and they will all be in their designated places, and i need more than 8 magic spells, and i suppose that i can do what whoever did in prophesies, but i don't quite want to...

thanks for your ideas, i'll use some of them...
oh, when you mentioned making my own invintory at the start, well, the reason i'm asking these questions is because i don't know how the additem commands really work, so i could like, say you have an item, and maybe put it somewhere on a status screen, but how to equip it, i have no friggin clue...

thanks for your ideas

FF4LIFE posted 02-15- 08:19 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Ok, i emailed seth about some of the things, changing map size and max fields on globals etc. i hope he can help, he probebly doesn't want much to do with dink anymore though, seeing as how its like, what, 6 years old, 7?
Beuc posted 02-20- 11:32 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Beuc  Click Here to Email Beuc     
DInk was released in the end of 1997 I think.
A bit younger than you thought ;)
FF4LIFE posted 02-21- 04:43 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Actualy, yes. Quite a bit younger...hmm...anyone thought of any answers to these questions yet?
I'm fearing I'll have to live with some, and others just find a way around...
SSJ4Bardock posted 02-23- 08:14 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for SSJ4Bardock  Click Here to Email SSJ4Bardock     
Well, I can only offer a SUGGESTION about the multiple map problem you have. When I was working on FuckedUpDink (never released, but finished. Though, it was gone in an unfortunate HD-format), the amount of screens on one map wasn't enough for me. So, since I was too stupid to think of a way to add additional maps, I just scald EVERYTHING down to 50% of their original size. This way, I was able to put everything I wanted into the DMOD.
FF4LIFE posted 02-24- 02:38 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Hmm, thats actualy pretty wise, tho i don't know how you did the tiles at 50%. Well, I think i'm just going to have 2 maps, and if you want to go back to a previous castle in a different map, some guy is there that tells you to switch the map files or something like that.
Beuc posted 02-24- 02:45 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Beuc  Click Here to Email Beuc     
But are you SURE you need two maps?!?
768 screens, it's huge!

If yes, then your DMOD must be a great as LOT! (even if I didn't played this one yet ;).

Good luck :)

FF4LIFE posted 02-24- 11:51 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Heh, I haven't used much yet, maybe 1/6 probebly more like 1/7, but i've only got 1 castle out of a planned 8 or 9 castles, so yeah, i'm trying to have a lot of rooms. The thing is, its not like you're going to need to go back to these rooms over and over, so its not tedius walking all of the time...just lots and lots of puzzles

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