posted 01-12- 10:37 AM CT (US) Why are in so many DMODs wait(250); lines after each say_stop() procedures?
I don't think it's better... Furthermore, when you pass a dialog which you've already read, it quick without wait().
posted 01-12- 09:08 PM CT (US)
I don't write it because it's quicker that way :). I think the original Dink had the wait(250) between say_stop()'s.
posted 01-13- 03:24 AM CT (US)
Yeah, but why? ;)
posted 01-15- 11:11 AM CT (US)
Becaues it gives the user a chance to let up off their space bar or enter key (or whatever) between messages, and it avoids the inevitable accidental "double-click" that would cause a message to be skiped if the wait were not there.
posted 01-15- 11:31 AM CT (US)
I'll do some tests with this. Thanks :)