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  Legend of Tenjin - Enough with the fruit already.

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Author Topic:   Legend of Tenjin - Enough with the fruit already.
leepyhead posted 01-03- 11:15 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for leepyhead   Click Here to Email leepyhead  
I've been going to town on the fruit mix dmod (and I appreciate the dmod, really) but I must have mixed dozens of combinations of fruits but all I've come up with is a weak heal. Any chance someone will just give me a few fruit mixes. (perferably using my golden apple?)
someone2 posted 01-04- 12:17 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for someone2  Click Here to Email someone2     
Here is the script:

(Dunno if you can understand that. The first part requires 1 red apple (&arapp == 1), 1 green apple (&agapp == 1) .. I can't be bothered explaining all the rest :)).

if (&arapp == 1)
if (&agapp == 1)
&mixture = 2;
goto done;

if (&aoran == 1)
if (&arapp == 2)
if (&agapp == 1)
&mixture = 3;
goto done;

if (&aoran == 2)
if (&arapp == 1)
if (&agapp == 2)
if (&agrape == 2)
&mixture = 4;
goto done;

if (&arapp == 3)
if (&agapp == 2)
if (&agrape == 3)
if (&agolapp == 1)
&mixture = 5;
goto done;

if (&aoran == 2)
if (&arapp == 1)
if (&agapp == 3)
if (&agrape == 4)
if (&agolapp == 1)
&mixture = 6;
goto done;

if (&arapp == 2)
if (&agapp == 4)
if (&agrape == 4)
if (&agolapp == 1)
&mixture = 7;
goto done;

if (&aoran == 3)
if (&arapp == 3)
if (&agapp == 4)
if (&agrape == 4)
if (&agolapp == 1)
&mixture = 8;
goto done;

if (&aoran == 3)
if (&arapp == 4)
if (&agapp == 3)
if (&agrape == 4)
if (&agolapp == 2)
&mixture = 9;
goto done;

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