posted 12-14- 10:50 AM CT (US)
This is a forum, where people have different skills. And they post things freely, replying to the problems they think they an solve.So, if your post don't have a reply 2 days later, that may be normal.
People who read the message may don't understand the problem / don't know what's the solution / or auther reason(s).
If still nobody replies you, check the FAQs, tutorials, or even other message boards.
Or try to add precision and/or reformulate.
Don't quit the forum for this.
Last time I had a problem, I post a message wednesday nigth, and precise it saturday, and sunday, I found alone the solution, and no one reply me.
The problem may not be understood, or no one had a clue, or people didn't connect this days... I don't know. But we can't blame them for that...
It's hard to be patient, I know, but don't rush.
Hey, I see you've got replies. So we don't have to worry anymore about that ;)