Topic: The word's colour
ghery |
posted 12-11- 11:56 AM CT (US)
I know that to make a colour to the text I must: say("'4Ouch!",..............); but before the 4 there is this sign (') I think it's not this. I've seen that the sign falls in the left but I don't know which are the botton in the keyboard that I can press. Someone could explain me that? And to make appear a person inside the screen like Milder (in Dink1 , when dink feeding the pigs) and then (when he finished to talk) make him go out? I have no idea...
posted 12-11- 02:53 PM CT (US)
ok the button you are looking for is in the top left part of your keyboard it is not "'" but this "`" ok. If you want to make a person go off the screen thats easy. The screen has x and y cordinates if you move your mouse beyond the screen you will still be getting coordinates right. Well just have the sprite move to one of the coordinates outside the screen. This won't work for dink because it will trigger a screen scroll ok. To do it for dink you will first have to type the code dink_can_walk_off_screen(1); then move. Good Luck |
posted 12-11- 05:14 PM CT (US)
The "`" key should be under the "~" key. (Just making sure you know) |
posted 12-12- 01:48 PM CT (US)
Also, I create whit "e" in the sprite mode the person, I put it in the screen. Now, I know that to make him go out I can put the coordinate out of screen but where must I put the coordinate? Sorry, I'm so patetic I want to do this thing when I don't know how to make people speak... However I think that I need to a script file to make move,speak, fight someone... there is a script file that I could see... or any models... because in the dink tutorial I can't see the people (shopper, man , girl...)ps:(for Zail) I think that my keyboard is a little different... I haven't the strange snake. Do you have a words map(whit all the buttons?
posted 12-13- 01:33 PM CT (US)
Hmmm.. I don't have a map for the keys. On my keyboard it is just left of the "1" key. You could copy the "`" from this page and paste it into your script. That might be the easiest way.To move sprites, click on the sprite, then moving the mouse will move the sprite. |
posted 12-13- 02:12 PM CT (US)
Ok...the colours are ok... To move the sprite in the's easy but to make it walk in the game? I think that I must put the coordinate somewhere...Where? When I pick up a sprite I can chenge his brain but what's the differences between 1 to 9 (0=no move, 1=as Dink 23456789=?...) Ok I pick up the sprite in the editor and I move it to the direction I want... If I play dmod the person is blocked, I've miss some parts? If you could do something, thanks you! |
posted 12-13- 02:41 PM CT (US)
move_stop or move are the commands to move. move_stop( sprite to move, direction(2 for down 4 for right, 6 for left and 8 for up), destination(if moveing left or right put the X coordinate in, if up or down put Y coordinate.), hard no hard(means if sprite hits something hard should it stop if yes put 0 if no put 1) ) the same for move only the move command make the script keep going while moving. I like move_stop. Now the brain you want for a talking person is 16. if you go under dink edit it tell you all the brains up to nine. just press 3 when holding a sprite. You really should read dinkC in the develop folder inside the Dinksmallwood folder OK. |