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ghery posted 12-10- 10:23 AM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for ghery   Click Here to Email ghery  
It's me again!
I have followed the tutorial but my tree don't say a word!
When I'm in the tutorial:
I create a tree
I give him an hardness
I press shift+5 and I've written tree
I have created whit Dink c ed. the file tree.c
I've written inside the command
void hit(void)
say("Ouch!", current_sprite);
I've played the game and hit the tree
He seems like death!
sorry, but where is my mistake?
It's important modify the start file?
(I haven't done it)
And if I understand how go on... where can I found a perfect tutorial whit all the command
for the tutorial(if exist)
I try to use the tutorial of the game but the instruction they use is too hard for me
Zail posted 12-10- 12:32 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Zail  Click Here to Email Zail     
It could be as simple as something was misspelled. Make sure your script name on the tree matches the one in the story folder.

Start.c shouldn't make a difference unless the tree graphic was drawn and added to Dink by you. I'm assuming that you just picked one from the original sprites.

Kornelije posted 12-10- 02:48 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Kornelije  Click Here to Email Kornelije     
It is not problem in story folder, it's in your code.

Remember that all variables start with the & symbol, so you should have written

say("Ouch!", ¤t_sprite);

If you need any other help, please post it here. Don't let this forum die.

Kornelije Petak Research

Kornelije posted 12-10- 02:50 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Kornelije  Click Here to Email Kornelije     
I don't know why this forum does not support & in front of the current_sprite, but I hope you caught my thaughts...
someone2 posted 12-10- 09:25 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for someone2  Click Here to Email someone2     
The forum doesn't not support it, it just doesn't change it. If you see the source of the webpage it actually has & current_sprite, but the browser changes it.

To do with symbols, though, the browser should do this as there is no ; at the end.

This should work (I can't edit it):


someone2 posted 12-10- 09:31 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for someone2  Click Here to Email someone2     
Yep. One line in that post was badly written... just ignore it.

To do it simply instead of typing "&" type "&". That way, "&curren" does not appear in the HTML so the browser does not change it to a symbol.

So typing "&current_sprite" gives you "&current_sprite".

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