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Author Topic:   Animation problem
justme posted 11-30- 08:50 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for justme   Click Here to Email justme  
I made a new girl for my dmod and used all the info from the original girl. The problem is she walks backwards or sideways and then disappears. I thought since I used the same code as the original girl, that she would move the same way. What did I do wrong?

This is what I did:
I edited all the original girl graphics and saved as new graphics in a separate folder.

I edited dink.ini by writing:
load_sequence graphics\people\girl\girl1- 851 100 35 45 -19 -10 13 6
load_sequence graphics\people\girl\girl2- 853 100 35 48 -14 -13 13 6
load sequence graphics\people\girl\girl3- 855 100 31 44 -11 -8 18 11
load_sequence graphics\people\girl\girl4- 857 100 33 46 -16 -12 14 7
(I don't know what all these #s mean, I just copied them off the original girl)

I then made a script and attached to the girl:
void main (void)
debug ("Making Girl")

I know that was a lot of info, but I hope it will help you in telling me what I have done wrong.

Beuc posted 12-02- 01:11 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Beuc  Click Here to Email Beuc     
I study how all was set in the main game, an I also read some tutorials, and I think your problem is that you've used the graphics in a bad order.

In theory, the numbers as 851 are in fact 850, the sequence, +1, the direction, as your numpad's one. 1 is so for bottom-left direction.
And the 5 is used for the death in the main game. As I see, you used only 1-3-5-7, and not 9. So I think you didn't do a death graphic, and used the 5 place for a direction-walk graphic, and "move" the walk graphics backward 9->7 and 7-5.
Maybe if you change the directions, your woman will walk correctly.

If not, well I don't know.
btw, I think creating a new girl is cool!
The usual girls aren't very beautiful...

justme posted 12-03- 04:49 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for justme  Click Here to Email justme     
Thanks for your help. You're right, I left out the death graphic. My reasoning for this is that the game may appeal to a larger age group without all the gore. I don't even let my kids around when I'm playing the original game. That doesn't make it bad in any way. I just wanted to make one that my kids could see.
I never put two and two together about the directions matching up to the number keypad. Thanks.
I'll let you know if the changes work.

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