posted 11-30- 06:34 AM CT (US) I am tihnking about creating Dink Smallwood Platform Arcade... It is not a DMOD, but I am just thinking who might be interested. If you think it is good idea(if Seth allow me to use his story, I'll ask him). I just need someone who could do some artwork for me. He would be greatfully mentioned in Credits as the main associate. Multiple designers are welcome. Plus, MIDI files are welcome. But they have to be fast. Not like a love melody. Something like rush... Blah, blah, blah What do you think?
posted 11-30- 10:35 AM CT (US)
Can you please detail some more your idea? "DS arcade platform" isn't very clear.
posted 11-30- 12:33 PM CT (US)
My aim is to create the platform adventure like the old Keen or Prince of Persia but of course with better graphics and the story from the Dink Smallwood(TM). Is anyone interested???