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  a little modifications

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Author Topic:   a little modifications
joshriot posted 11-27- 06:01 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for joshriot   Click Here to Email joshriot  
im programming my dmod so that items work more like legend of zelda, when you pick up a bomb or arrows you have a number which tells you how many you have. the thing about zelda though is that you dont have the item in your inventory if you dont have any of the item. how could i write i script for this? for bombs i have something like &bombdd += 1 when you pick up the bomb so where should i place a script that effects the inventory menu? i guessing i could put something like if &bmombdd == 0 rem_item (bomb, 0, 0) but how could i go about doing this? thanks
Gerben posted 11-29- 09:15 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
I would put the line you proposed in the use bit of your item script and in the drop bit. That way when you either use a bomb or drop one, it makes the check and drops them from your inventory. The bit is already there. Although you need to change it so that it makes a check of how many you have left, before it removes it from your directory.

Or it would be easier, as I have done in my game, to add a permanent item that holds the items you want. Like a bag for bombs, and a quiver. Attach a global variable of how many items are in it and only let the player use the bomb or arrow if the container has more than 0 items in it.

joshriot posted 12-07- 07:05 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for joshriot  Click Here to Email joshriot     
i used the first suggestion and it worked good. thanks.

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