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  .D files and dir.ff files

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Author Topic:   .D files and dir.ff files
FF4LIFE posted 10-12- 05:42 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE   Click Here to Email FF4LIFE  
I want to start protecting and saving space on my game, so how do i turn the .c files to .d and how do i convert all of the bitmaps into dir.ff files? And on that note, who do I contact to get it up on the site?

thanks- FF4LIFE

Nexis posted 10-12- 07:15 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Nexis  Click Here to Email Nexis     
To compile your scripts (which I don't recommend since it makes the game slower, but it's not really noticeable) just copy Compall.bat and compile.exe into your story directory. Then just run compall.bat and it will create .d files of all your source files.

Changing bitmaps into dir.ff files is a bit more difficult. To do so just copy the ffcreate.exe into the directory that you want to create the dir.ff in and run it. Do this for every directory (there may be a better way but I don't know it).

the dir.ff may create problems for you though. Especially if you didn't save your files with the dink pallette. So if you have problems try creating the dir.ff until the problem shows up and then either fix those graphics or don't make a dir.ff of that directory.

Some people have noticed that Prophecy only has about half of the graphics in that format. Well there's a reason why. When I created the dir.ff for those directories it crashes the game when I ran it.

And as for getting the dmod on a site. Just email redink about it.

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