Topic: Equiping items at the start of the game
posted 10-04- 10:37 PM CT (US)
At the start of the game, it gives you punch and it equips it, so you punch right away. But, the icon for the item doesn't appear in the box, and I find that incredibly annoying. Is there a command to put it there?
posted 10-05- 03:16 AM CT (US)
Well here's he commands that give the weapon (including icon) from the dink skeleton.//lets give him fists to start out with, and arm him with the fists. add_item("item-fst",438, 1); &cur_weapon = 1; arm_weapon(); If you're using this command and it's not showing up in the inventory something may have happened to the 438 sequence graphics. |
posted 10-05- 05:29 PM CT (US)
No, I did just that and the icon appears in the invintory, but at the start of the game the icon doesn't appear in the bottom bar. You can punch, so its equiped, but you can't see it. |
posted 10-06- 12:58 AM CT (US)
Mmmm, it looks to me that it is a problem that only you have. Because the part Nexis mentioned works fine for me. Does the original game start out without having the fists equipped? |
posted 10-07- 01:18 AM CT (US)
So is the entire bottom bar (with the health, experience, current spell, etc) missing? If so you probably are forgeting to use the set_mode(2); Should be the right command but check out the start-1.c from the dmod skeleton to make sure. |
posted 10-07- 01:31 AM CT (US)
I believe you can accomplish this by using set_mode(2), having a short wait time example:wait(50) and then use add_item(blahblah) &cur_weapon = 1 arm_weapon(). You may want to freeze(1) before doing this and unfreeze(1) afterwards. Just a quick thought and I don't know if it will work... seeing as I don't have the time, nor the patience to go do it myself. Good luck. |
posted 10-10- 10:05 PM CT (US)
Hmm, I have all of the bottom bar. I put the mode thing in and everything. Except, I put the mode(2) in the button you click, then after I have all the intro done i add the other stuff. (Its real neat that way) I'm not sure why its not working. Here is exactly what i have under start-1.c and where the intro ends:START-1.C sp_base_walk(1, 70); sp_base_attack(1, 100); set_mode(2); INTRO ENDS &update_status = 1; draw_status(); reset_timer(); set_mode(2); wait(50); sp_dir(1, 4); sp_brain(1, 1); sp_que(1, 0); sp_noclip(1, 0); wait(50); //lets give him fists to start out with add_item("item-fst",438, 1); &cur_weapon = 1; arm_weapon(); //arm them for him too // initfont("SWEDISH"); add_magic("item-mft",438, 36); arm_magic(); &cur_magic = 1;
maybe you can find something wrong with it..