posted 09-29- 09:13 PM CT (US) in kill the ducks, charlie is never killed. does he get killed in anyother dmod? (i'm in the middle of making my first dmod, and in it, you kill charlie the evil duck, but if charlie is already dead...)
posted 09-30- 02:33 PM CT (US)
Dukie (who made Village of the Talking Trees) is currently making The Dink Hotel, which features Charlie. You might want to talk to him (his e-mail is ) and see what he plans to do with Charlie.
posted 09-30- 07:11 PM CT (US)
he hasnt finished that yet?!
the last i heard about that board was 2 years ago!
posted 10-01- 02:09 PM CT (US)
Ummm he started it a couple months ago. The DMOD he started 2 years ago was Dink's Comedy Club, and yes he hasn't finished it.