posted 09-29- 01:09 AM CT (US) In my dmod, I'm attempting to have someone sell you acid rain. I don't get half the things that is said in the dinkc.txt file... so I'm stuck =(
can someone plz help!
posted 09-29- 12:00 PM CT (US)
Just look at the scripts they have in the game. I think one was like s2-vend or something.
posted 09-29- 12:00 PM CT (US)
Just look at the scripts they have in the game. I think one was like s2-vend or something. I'd go look but I'm in school right now..
posted 10-04- 04:06 AM CT (US)
To find the appropriate script dinkedit the original game and look at what script is attached to the the person who gives you acid rain. Also remember the guy who sells you hellfire in the area with the stone goblins? He is in a hole in the ground. Find out which script he has and just change all references to the hellfire spell to the acidrain spell. Now you have got a guy who sells you acid rain.