posted 09-28- 04:38 AM CT (US) How do you make save machines? I can get the sprite and all, but I don't know how to make it an actual save machine... plz help
posted 09-28- 11:58 AM CT (US)
You attach the script: "savebot.c"..that will make it a save machine...
posted 09-28- 05:38 PM CT (US)
I tried that but it didn't work... does there have to be something like 'EN' infront of it?
posted 09-28- 09:59 PM CT (US)
No, just savebot
posted 10-04- 04:03 AM CT (US)
First find the savebot.c file in in your develop directory. copy this into your story directory. Now press shift 5 on the savebot sprite and type savebot