posted 09-21- 08:21 PM CT (US) I was wondering if anybody here was interested in a "3D" Dink. I would love to make one but it would only be a short demo. Well...let me know.
Thanx, Shelby
posted 09-24- 07:15 PM CT (US)
Do you mean like a first person shooter? Cuz if you made a first person with the dink concept and such that would rock.
posted 09-24- 11:48 PM CT (US)
I think dink would lose it's playability as a first person shooter. It'd be great if it played like tomb raider or soul reaver though...
posted 09-25- 10:14 PM CT (US)
I was thinking more of the third person Tomb Raider...I like to see my everything around me...but I know others who prefer the 1st person view...I might not even pursue the project...i think it would be fun to try though...the only problem is developing an engine to work with all the outside scenery and graphixs...sounds fun!