posted 09-01- 12:15 PM CT (US) the creating the whole run.bat file worked out fine and dandy but that only works when my d-mod is in the same dir. What if i want to make my own dink game that doesent run of dink smallwoods engine then how do i make a seperate file for it.
posted 09-02- 07:53 PM CT (US)
You have to use the dink engine to create a dink game. For a) duh, and b) Seth hasn't/won't release the source.
You can make your game "stand-alone" by moving all your DMOD content into the dink directory. You can probably rename dink.exe, but you probably won't be able to rename the default directory.
posted 09-05- 04:34 AM CT (US)
Maybe this helps. I think you can also just copy the dink.exe file into your dmod dir. Then if you start it it will always run the dmod without adding a bit of text. You might even be able to rename dink.exe to DMODNAME.exe. Try it, but I am not sure if it works.