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Author Topic:   .exe files
REE posted 08-31- 10:10 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for REE   Click Here to Email REE  
In my D-MOD I would like to make it so i do not have to go to DinkFrontEnd each time to play my game. I would like to make it so I can just dbl click on an exe file to play my game

Thank You for your time and energy


someone2 posted 09-01- 01:02 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for someone2  Click Here to Email someone2     
Create a text file in your root DMOD directory, and enter:

@echo off
dink.exe -game dmoddir

Where dmoddir is the directory of your DMOD (it won't work if it isn't).

I made a program which runs your DMOD and checks for any errors, email me if you want it. (

someone2 posted 09-01- 01:04 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for someone2  Click Here to Email someone2     
Also, you'll need to save the file as "run.bat". INCLUDE the quotes, or it will become run.bat.txt.
REE posted 09-01- 10:54 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for REE  Click Here to Email REE     
Thanks That works! Now I dont have to go to DinkFrontEnd all the time.

anyway i was wondering when i make a transporter thingy in my game it works fine and it takes to the place i want it to but when i press the red button instead of the spinny thingy on top of it doesent spin instead something else on the screen starts going through all of its sprite pics



Gerben posted 09-05- 04:31 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
I canīt check it for you. But I think this is what is happening.

The scripting that start running when you push the button will probably set the brain of a certain sprite to six. This is the setting that makes the sprite change through all itīs different sprites in itīs own sprite set.

Now you have probably used the original script. This refers to a certain sprite number in the original game. Dink is always 1 and then he just adds numbers to the other sprites you add. Now in your Dmod the sprite number that is referred to is not the right sprite.

You have two ways to change this. Keep varying the spite number untill the right sprite start turning. Or more complicated, but possibly quicker. Try adding a varname to the sprite you want to turn. Then instead of sp_brain(15, 6); you can say sp_brain(&machine, 6). But I have not got the time to explain it all to you. Sorry.

Good Luck.

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