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  help on houses

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Author Topic:   help on houses
piroflyer posted 08-21- 07:58 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for piroflyer   Click Here to Email piroflyer  
when I am in dink edit and I place a simple
house and stamp it down and then take a door and stamp it down. It looks fine but then when I go to play my D-MOD I can just walk right through it.
So I change to hardness of the house, the same thing happens.

my question is how the hell do I make it so you can get into the house.

joshriot posted 08-22- 11:52 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for joshriot  Click Here to Email joshriot     
you will need to edit the hardness so that dink cannot go through the house. most onjects work with just making the hardness set at 0 but the shape of the house does not allow for this. the easiest way it to make invisible sprites since the alternative hardness selector is a pain in the ass. press the space bar while in the editor and you will see lines appear in areas dink cannot pass through. you need to make lines outlining the house so dink cannot walk through it. get some fences, make them hard, and outline the house with it. set all the fenses at type 2. (i beleive you push 3 in the editor, the one that says 0 for background, i for normal sprite) now if you hit space you should see all the house is outlined in yellow lines and while playing dink will not be able to walk past them.
Gerben posted 08-28- 03:20 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
Now that you have made your pretty little house, complete with door sprite, you need to make a warp.

YouŽll notice that you have got two door sprites. One of just the door and one of door and doorframe. First finish the house with hardness and place a door with doorframe. Set the hardness of the doorframe to 1, this will remove the hardness. Now find the doorsprite that fits exactle over the door in the doorframe. Place it ecactly over the original door.

Now you have a problem, because most of the time it will be behinde the actual doorframe and when you enter the sequence foor opeing the door, the sprite will be behind the door. You need to adjust the depth que settings, so it will be exactly on top of the doorframe. Here is how I do it:

Once you have placed the door exactly on the same position as the doorframe adjust the size of the door to 80. Thiss will make it look different, so you can see which sprite is on top. Now set the depth que to 500. The small door should be over the doorframe. Now adjust the depth que settings of the door to exactly the number that it appears on top of the doorframe. Use big steps fiirst. 500... 400... 300 Now when it dissappears use smaller steps. YouŽll get the hang of it.

Now to make the door warp you to the inside of the house. Go to the screen where you want Dink to be when he enters the door. press alt-w or ctl-w I canŽt remember which. But you should hear a boing sound. Now go back to the door sprite and press the same keys again. Again you should hear the boing. You have now copied the coordinates into the sprite. Now press 0 on the door sprite and set it to warp. The hardness should appear to be orange. Finally press the keys to set the sequence. I canŽt remember which they are. And set them to the sequence which leyts a door appear to open. I think it is 64 or 65. It should all work.

Now check the hardness to see if the orange bit from the warp is big enough. Sometimes it gets covered by the hardness of the house, so Dink wiull not be able to enter the orange bit and set oof the warp. Good Luck!

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