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  hellfire spell (how to?)

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Author Topic:   hellfire spell (how to?)
piroflyer posted 08-21- 06:23 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for piroflyer   Click Here to Email piroflyer  
How can I make it so in the begining Dink starts out with the hellfire or fireball spell?

Thank You For Your Time

joshriot posted 08-21- 06:53 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for joshriot  Click Here to Email joshriot     

>add_item("item-sw1",438, 7);


>add_magic("item-x",437, z);

so that x = the script to make the spell work (item-fb is for fireball)
and that z= the number of the icon in the 437 sequence for when you equip the spell off the menu. go to dink edit and then go to graphic sequence 437 to see all the choices for magic icons. (i beleive fireball is the first in the sequence so you would put 1 in place of z)

make sure that after
>&cur_weapon = 1;

you put

>&cur_magic = 1;

so that the it knows you have one item and one spell to start of with.

aslo if you want the spell equipped so you dont have to do it manually off the menu





the only reason i put the > is so you can easily distinguish the scripts from the comments. it should look somthing like this

//lets give him fists to start out with...
add_item("item-sw1",438, 7);
add_magic("item-fb",437, 1);
&cur_weapon = 1;
&cur_magic = 1;

i tried to break it down so you could understand what each part of the script does so you can easily midifly it

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