Topic: More scripting trouble
golasido |
posted 08-16- 06:28 PM CT (US)
Ok, I'm sorry for posting so many topics but I don't know jack about programming or scripts or any of that stuff. Anyway, I want to make a script that has Dink turn into a pig and still be controlled by the player, but I don't know how.
posted 08-16- 06:45 PM CT (US)
Gerben and all of you other guys, I'm sorry if some (if not all) of my questions are not very specific. It's just that I'm new at programming (I know that I keep reminding you of it), but It's also that I'm... well let's just say that I'm under 15. So please just bear with me. I'll try to spend more time on my questions to make them more specific.=) Thanks- golasido |
posted 08-16- 10:57 PM CT (US)
To change that is infact very simple. Depending on what weapon Dink has, you may have noticed he looks different. This is the base walk and base idle. For a pig I believe that by setting them both at 40 it should work. In a script, just put:Sp_base_walk(1, 40); sp_base_idle(1, 40); If its not 40 then just check in the dink edit program. when you hit the change base walk button, it tells you what duck and pig are. |
posted 08-17- 02:33 AM CT (US)
Yep that does the trick. Maybe change The size of dink a couple of times by adding the lines:sp_size(1, 90); wait(200); sp_size(1,80); wait(200); for creating some kind of morphing effect. Just try and see how it works. By the way, I wasn't a rebuke or anything. Although it might have sounded a bit annoyed. We like helping you out, otherwise we wouldn't type these messages, it is not that we are getting paid or anything :-) It is just that we are not sure what you mean, we might be typing a whole bunch of stuff without it being useful to you. So keep asking those questions! |