BaconBitz |
posted 08-12- 01:37 PM CT (US)
The first screen that shows up there are some towns people, some knights, and the king. He sends you to a island to send a letter. But there is a catch, the first two boats never returned. The first action screen that shows up is the boat, you can walk around and talk to people, you go the the captian and tell him to continue the voyage. An auto matic sequence happens and it brings you to a map where you start moving. During your voyage you have around 4-5 parts were you either have to clean up the shipmates vomit, sail through sharks, or go into a nightmare cave. In the nightmare cave you have three choices. 1 is to think of a cute duck, 2 is to think of a little girl, and 3 is to think of a friendly rock monster. You have to guess right to continue the voyage. When you finish that you get thrown overboard onto and island during a storm. The first thing you do is look around. Don't kill for money cuz you have no use for it. Go to the church infront of it is a fountian, you will turn into a duck. Look around until you find another duck, you have to mate with it and then you will get duck magic. Go back to the fountian and drink from it again to become dink again. Then you go to the first house (you need to follow the path until you get the a big area and go left a screen) and go into the basement. Another automatic sequence happens and you meet Cass, she tells you that you need to take out all of the spy cameras. You then have 44 seconds to destroy 11 cameras.(It took me a while) Then she tells you to look for clues and meet her back at a spot west from there. Go north as far as possible and west as well. But avoid the to robots because you can't defeat all of them. Once you are all the north west you can go, go right one screen and there are 3 robot body parts. A leg, a arm, and a head. Grab the head and go straight don until you get to Cass. She will bring you to a spot with 3 colored balls and a door. Put the head into the blue ball using spacebar. Then you have press spacebar on these balls in order. Blue, Red, Blue, Green, Red, Green. Then the door will open. When you go inside there are 4 robots to destroy. I didn't destroy them because I don't have enough life, but you can run past them to the next 3 screens. On the third screen Cass tells you to wait up and you both go through a door. There you find a man you talk to him and a robot destroys him. This robot you have to destroy. After you destroy him another bot comes out, only this is Ninja Bot. The only way you can destroy him is with the duck magic. Then another automatic sequence happens and the last robot saves you from destruction. And that's the game so Good Luck!