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  How do you attach a script to a sprite?

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Author Topic:   How do you attach a script to a sprite?
golasido posted 08-11- 03:23 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for golasido   Click Here to Email golasido  
I'm really new at both D-Mods and programming (if you hadn't noticed), and I was wondering how you make your own script and attach it to a sprite.-golasido
golasido posted 08-11- 03:25 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for golasido  Click Here to Email golasido     
Oh and how do make cut scenes?
joshriot posted 08-11- 09:39 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for joshriot  Click Here to Email joshriot     
make your own scripts with dink c editor and attach them by putting the name of the .c file in the sprite with shift 5. visit and read the dinkc.txt file for help on scripting
Gerben posted 08-12- 10:33 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
GOLASIDO! We love to help you out, but I for one donīt understand half of the questions you are asking. If you explain exactly which graphics you get when starting up dinkedit I might be able to help you out.

Use the following scripting lines for a cutscene:

//Player loses control of Dink

//Player gets control back

say("what", 1);
//Dink says what

say_stop("what", 1);
//Dink says what, but
the script stops running
until the text disappears.

move(1, 8, 100, 1);
//Dink moves: Move(Dink, In keypad
direction, to Y coordinate, 1) If the
keypad direction is any other than 8 or 2,
the third number will be the x coordinate
to move to.

sp_dir(1, 6);
//After movement dink faces the keypad
direction, which is the second number.
Sp_dir(Dink, keypad dir)
Must always! follow after the move command.

Move_stop(1, 4, 100, 1);
//Same as move, but the scripting waits
until the move is complete.

his should get you some idea of a cutscene. If you want Some other person to move or say something. Replace the 1īs which represent Dink, to (¤t_sprite) or the by the &NPCVariable you have assigned.

Check out the Dinkc.txt file in the develop directory for all these commands and many, many more!

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