Topic: Someone HELP ME!!!
golasido |
posted 08-11- 02:57 PM CT (US)
Ok, I tried to load the graphics onto DinkEdit just like Gerben and Joshriot told me to but I still get the same 96 sprites that I had before! HELP ME!!!
posted 08-11- 09:37 PM CT (US)
you have to add the new graphics to the dink.ini. put the new graphics in the graphics folder, then scroll down to the bottom of your ini (in skeleton b) it says new graphics go here. for each sprite is a number. this is used for sequences and base death/ attack etc. i think the original dink graphics go up to 840 so add load_sequence_now graphics\BLAST\BLAST- 850 with blast being the graphic name. if you want more then one graphic in the sequence name the graphics blast-01 blast-02 etc. for base walk to make sprites characters you need the diferent agles in the an order. check out for tutorials on all kinds of rubbish.