Topic: bow lore
joshriot |
posted 07-31- 09:31 AM CT (US)
what exzackily does bow lore do, and if i change the script to &bowlore=2 or =100 will it do whatever it does better?
posted 07-31- 04:41 PM CT (US)
well, bowlore = 2 just tells the game that Dink has taught himself to use a bow, at the beginning at the game bowlore surley was 0, then at some point, maybe when you bougt a bow, or talked to someone abour bowlore it changed to 1, and when you learned it to 2, changing this is not good, that part of the game may will stop to work |
posted 08-01- 03:33 AM CT (US)
Bow lore is definitely not a damage multiplier of some sorts. It just adds extra powers to the bow. Such as critical hits. The item script makes a check against what the bowlore variable is at that time and then knows if it has to give the bow user extra powers. This is a small bit from the original item-b1.c : if (&bowlore == 1) { &temp = random(3, 1); if (&temp == 1) { //critical hit &mypower * 3; playsound(44, 14050,0,0,0); say("`4* POWER SHOT *", 1); } } |
posted 08-01- 03:37 AM CT (US)
So using imaginary bow lore values will have no effect whatsoever.... I think.If you want to make bowlore a damage miltiplier, You should use a line like this in your item-bow script: &mypower * &bowlore; I think that works, although I have never tried multiplying variables. |
posted 08-01- 11:34 AM CT (US)
okay i get it |