posted 07-29- 05:24 AM CT (US) I would like to be able to play a self-made avi just after the loading page like the original cd-rom dink. I can't figure out if I'm making the avi wrong or if I'm trying to implement it incorrectly. Could someone please post some general tips? thanx. Sphinx
posted 07-29- 05:42 PM CT (US)
I'm pretty sure that you can't actually use avi files like the original dink could. I've never tried it myself but most dmod authors who have tried using it say it can't be done.
posted 07-30- 12:09 PM CT (US)
There is 1 kinda possible way, create an executable frontend that will play a full-screen avi, then run your D-Mod.
However, you would have to be proficient in Visual Basic or Visual C++ to create such a Frontend (I know I'm not).